Sebastien Marciak
17th Oct - 31st Oct
Preview Friday 16th Oct
All welcome.
The White House are delighted to be hosting young French artist Sebastien Marciak's work, which comprises large wall constructed prints with video and floor installation pieces.
Here he describes a little of the work:
'Taking inspiration from the violence and noise of the «crash tests», Individuals raises a paradox:
Immersing the spectators in a dark but silent and contemplative atmosphere by confronting them
with a series of works that play on physical impact.
The reference to Anthropomorphic Test Devices (known as crash test dummies) serves as a pretext
to emphasize the individual aspect of the human body and to show its fragile condition.
Although industrially produced, they reveal here their uniqueness.
I would like to thank Mark Campbell from the White House Glasgow
for hosting the show and also the Market Gallery and the Glasgow Print Studio for their great help.'
for hosting the show and also the Market Gallery and the Glasgow Print Studio for their great help.'